  1. Acill says:

    Thanks for making this! I was about to do it and thought I would search first. Much better than the one I started to make!

  2. Swedish Pete says:

    Awesome – much appreciated! Since you obviously have the skills and experience needed – any chance you would please consider making a cap map for the Amiga 3000 Desktop, too?

    1. highpuff says:

      I could, but I have not had an A3000 to re-cap in a while 🙁

      1. Swedish Pete says:

        Got it – I’ll keep on your future updates and cross my fingers you’ll get your hands on an A3000 in the near future. In the meanwhile, please keep writing those high quality posts. Resonably, a lot of Amiga users have reason to be grateful for them!

  3. simon Lavigne says:

    hey Highpuff, this might be a long shot but I was wondering if you could give me a hand… my CD32 was recapped because I had a weird issue where the reset signal would go low and stay that way without any input.

    I tried to look at schematics and find why I only get 3.5v at pin 2 of u14 but I have to admit, I am out of my dept.

    The guy that did my recap also replaced u14 once he saw the issue as apparently, its a known fault but to no avail.

    do you happen to have any insights on this? would you be willing to try and help?


  4. Seb132 says:

    Great job, mate!
    However, it is possible that you have 2x duplicate references: I can see 2X C865.
    It is likely that one of them is C885 (47uF, not 4.7uF).

    1. highpuff says:

      Ah, thanks for the heads up. I will verify and change.

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