A600 v1.5 Cap Map
Ok, I admit it. It has been way too long since I posted something new here but it has been a very hectic fall/winter at work. A few project will be put up here but before that I finished a cap-map for the Amiga 600 version 1.5 PCB. Some capacitors are tricky, especially the two 22uF between the KB-clip and the RCA-connectors.
But nothing a good soldering iron can do/reach
C459 = 22uF/35VDC
C239 = 100uF/25VDC
[C239 on the same value, C459 doesnt exist on caps list]
Thanks for the heads up! Fixed now
No, it’s still not fixed in the list on the image. Now I have to go desolder the C239, since the image STILL has C239 in both the 100uF AND 22uF list, and I put in the 22uF value one.
Sorry :/ Seems like it did not like updating the picture without changing the name. This is fixed now with a new filename